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jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018



The Dinosaur provincial national park in Southeastern Alberta contains some of most important fossil discoveries ever made. Until now 60 dinosaur species in 45 genera have been discovered from this national park. The fossils are date back to 75 million years. Today a large collection of fossils from the dinosaur provincial national park houses in Royal Tyrrell Museum in Alberta

During the cretaceous period, about 75 million years ago this region of Alberta was home to many species of dinosaurs, reptiles, fishes, amphibians and reptiles. The bones of these animals were buried under the layers of mud and sands. Later the deposition of sediments preserved those bones.
At the end of the last glacial period a huge thick sheet of glacial ice eroded the rocks. The meltwater carved the Red Deer River valley. From the sedimentary rocks the dinosaur fossils are also got exposed at that time. Centuries later in 1880s hundreds of high quality dinosaur fossils have been discovered from the valleys of the Red Deer River valley.
Today the site is a popular national park and a world heritage site of Canada. In addition to the presence of great concentration of dinosaur fossil this national park is also home to diverse vegetation. There are cottonwood forest, shrub lands and wetlands. This national park is also notable for the presence of more than 160 species of birds such as golden eagle, prairie falcon, ferruginous hawks, loggerhead shrike and brewers sparrow.
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